Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unit 9 final project

February 20, 2011
My Personal Assessment
     I.  Introduction:
     It is important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually, and physically so that when they are working with clients and they have questions, obstacles, and concerns you are able to help them through this based off your own experiences.  You cannot tell someone how to do something or deal with a situation if you have not gone there first yourself.
     As a health and wellness educator your clients will look up to you for advice, guidance, experience, and knowledge and you should be able to answer their questions honestly and from experience or at least know where to get the answers for them.  You need to have a calm abiding mind so that you can show others loving kindess.  This will also help you to relax and calm down after a stressful job in the office.  We must know how to deal with the stress that life throws our ways and develop our minds and body's into the best health and well being possible. 
     I still need to continue growing in the physical area of my life as I want to lose another 20-30lbs.  I have already lost 17lbs and feel much healthier but I know that I still need to lose more and especially in the abdomen area to reduce my risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease as I am getting older and abdomen weight is a leading cause of these conditions.  Spiritually I need to continue growing as I need to work on my walk with the Lord and continue growing in that part of my life.  However, I am starting to stand up for what I know is right, my beliefs, and values.  This is something that I had let go for awhile in my life as I always put others first and forgot about myself.  Psychologically I am pretty comfortable with where I am at.
     II.  Assessment:
     Spiritually I am at a 5 right now in my life and need to continue with this area.  However, I am very proud of the progress that I have made in putting myself first again, standing up for what I believe, and the values that I have always had instilled in me but had pushed on the back burner for quite some time trying to make others happy. 
     Physically I am at a 7 which is where I was in unit 3.  That is because I am still going to the gym but had an injury that has set me back a little bit on my progress.  I want to continue going to the gym, walking outdoors when it gets nice, and start playing some of the sports that I used to play.
Psychologically I am at 7 which is better than I was before.  This is in part due to the fact that I got out of a bad relationship and have started putting myself first and taking care of myself.  Now I am not stressed out all the time when I come home and worrying about what kind of mood he is going to be in and how it is going to affect me.  Also, work has gotten better as well and is not an negative right now as it was in the past and that helps.
     III.  Goal Development:
     The goals that I have for myself in the areas of physical, psychological, and spiritual include:
1.  Physically I want to add an ab workout 3 times per week into my schedule, get my ankle better so I can get back into cardio classes, and complete a strength training program 3 times per week.  I also want to continue eating more healthy and nutritious meals and lose another 20-30lbs so that I will feel better physically.
2.  Psychologically I want to start taking a yoga class to help me get ruid of some of the stresses in my life, increase my flexibility, and mind calming. 
3.  Spiritually I want to continue with meditation and concentrate on my faith in God. 
     IV.  Practices for personal health:
     The strategies that I plan to implement in the physical domain is going to the gym 6 days a week including 3 days of abdominal workouts, 3 days of strength training, 1 day of yoga or pilates, and to do some form of cardio 5 days a week.  I also want to continue improving my nutrition including eating more fruits and vegetables, less potatoes, cut my portion size down, and eat more frequently throughout the day.  I am going to let my friends know what my goal in this area is and to have them hold me accountable for sticking to my routine.
     Psychologically I am going to continue with my practicing loving kindness, practice meditation daily, and calm abiding exercises (Dacher, 2006).  I am going to set this time aside each evening before I go to bed in order to ruid my mind of all the activities of the day.  I intend to also put myself first and my needs, beliefs, and values and not allow anyone to take these things away from.
     Spiritually I am going to start taking more walks outside and enjoy nature.  I also would like to start reading my Bible more faithfully, pray more, and spend quiet time with the Lord and listen to what I am supposed to be doing with my life.  I can incorporate this into my daily morning routine to start my day off on a positive note.
     V.  Commitment:
     The way that I intend to assess my progress in the next six months is coming back and rating these areas again and seeing where I have improved and what areas I still need more work.  I will be able to track my progress physically by weighing myself, doing a food journal daily, taking measurements once a month and then I will see what progress I have made in this area.  Psychologically I will assess my progress by the way that I feel about myself, my life, and the changes that I have made.  I will also keep a calendar that I have to mark daily when I complete the Loving Kindness and Calm Abiding exercises so that I can look back at it and know whether I am making this a dialy commitment of still need to improve in this area of my life.  Spiritually I would like to join a group to read the Bible through in one year and this will keep me on track with my studying the word of God.  As far as my church attendance I can have my family ask each week when they talk to me if I attended church and this will help me to be accountable. 
Dacher, E.S. (2006).  Integral Health:  The Path to Human Flourishing.  Laguna Beach, CA:  Basic Health Publications.

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