Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unit 7 blog

Hello Everyone,
I finally have my computer back so now I am trying to catch up on blog.  I have really enjoyed being in class with each of you and wish you the best of luck with the rest of your education and career goals in the future.
The Meeting Asciepius exercise was easier for me then ones in the past where we had to visualize.  The person that I chose to focus on was a past patient of mine that now is an adopted mom to me.  She is so full of knowledge, positive thoughts, encouraging words, compassion, love, and understanding that I could not pass up the opportunity to give her the much deserved honors.  I did not have any problem thinking of her thoughts, knowledge, speech, kindness, love, compassion, wisdom, and beams of light when instructed to.  There is no one in the world that i would like to be more like and have their traits then her.  She is a cancer survivor who has many other medical problems as well but still takes the time to offer encouraging words to others and share her wisdom of life.  This woman has been a big inspiration for me. 
I enjoyed the way at the end that the exercise reminded us that Asciepius was the healing God and that we all have the ability hidden inside of us to reach this level of mental fitness.  That is something that is intriguing to me knowing that we have this ability and many of us never use it.
As you can tell I truly enjoyed this exercise and the opportunity that it gave me. 
My completing the exercises each week and continuing on with the mind calming exercises have made me more aware of the role that my mind plays in my overall health and wellness.  This is something that I plan to continue in my growth to a more well balanced life.  The best way to continue applying these practices in my life is taking the time each day to practice at least one of them, meditation, pilates, and going to the gym to ruid my mind of all the stress that I encounter each day.  While at the gym I am going to work on my physical and mental well being at the same time. 
To me the saying, "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself" means that you cannot give someone advice if you have not been in their shoes.  This includes in the walk to integral health.  How can we really tell someone what to do and expect if we have not done it ourselves and had the experience.  It reminds me of what my mom always told us, "Practice what you preach."  In other words, life by your own advice.  As a health and wellness professional I feel that yes we have an obligation to be developing our own health psychologically, physically, and spiritually so when they come to us with questions, comments, frustrations, and obstacles that we are able to give them advice from what has worked for us and others that we are working with.  They do not want advice from someone who does not feel it is important enough to incorporate into their own lives.  I can implement psychological growth in my personal life by continuing to grow in my mental health, practice yoga and pilates, meditation, and walks in nature.  Spiritual growth in my personal life can be implemented by standing firm to my beliefs, desires, and walking a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

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