Sunday, January 2, 2011 Unit 3 post

Hello Everyone,
Before I get into my responses for this week post I would just like to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Hope that everyone had a joyful and relaxing holiday. 
Also I would like to thank God for allowing me the ability to find the time daily for incorporating physical exercise into my daily schedule.  Before now, I always had excuses for not making this time for myself and now I see what I have been missing.  My first week of going to the gym 6 days I lost 1/2 a pound.  I know that is not a lot but I was very pleased and mentally and physically I feel so much better off.  Thank God for the eye opening that I had to do this for myself.
Based on my reflections I rate my spiritual well being a 7, psychological well being a 5, and physical well being a 7.  This is much higher than I would have ranked it 2 weeks ago.
Spiritually with a 7 I would like to continue with my growth in the Lord and start trusting him more with my life.  I know that when I am able to do this that I will see the benefits that have been there for me all along if I just believed, trusted, and followed his guidance. 
Psychologically with a 5 I intend to take more time for the relaxation exercises, pilates, and possibly yoga so that I can experience the calming of the mind that comes from all of these activities.  I still have a constant battle with myself everyday to go to the gym and not feel guilty for taking the time away from other areas of my life.  This has been a battle for me to allow this time to take care of myself and know that I am worth it.  I am still trying to get over the eating out of boredom, frustration, depression, and all the time so pray for me while I continue on my journey towards a healthier well being.
Physically at a 7 I want to continue going to the gym 6 days a week so that I can see the results.  This includes not having to worry about illness, disease, and other conditions due to the abdominal fat that I have been carrying around for the longest time that leads to depression, CAD, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other conditions.  I am going to start adding weight training into my schedule of physical exercise once a week so think of me as this is not something that I look forward to but I know the benefits will be worth it. 
The relaxation exercise Crime of the Century was a wonderful experience for me. 
Some of the benefits included:
Focusing on my breathing, phrases that were encouraging to hear, the music and voice of the speaker were very calming and relaxing, and I felt calm and relaxed following the exercise.
I only had one frustrating thing for me with this exercise unless you count the fact that it ended to soon:
The visualizations of the colors was very difficult for me.  I am a very concrete person so I had a hard time trying to visualize the colors and the beams of light that they put out. 
May God bless each and everyone and let each of us experience a healthier and happier new year.


  1. Hi, Ann, it sounds like you've really started getting everything together. You have to remember when you are building muscle with exercising, you may not lose the pounds as quickly. You are replacing the fat with muscle which is a good thing. I have been having trouble with exercising, because I love to walk outside and it has really been too cold here. So one of my goals to go to the free gym at work.

    I hope God will continue to be big part of your life, it is through prayer and meditation that I have found most of my spirituality. I have put all my trust in the God and my lord Jesus Christ to help me and family overcome our struggles. I feel he will answer these soon.

    Great Post, and I look forward to watching your progress.

  2. Hi Ann, Your post was well layed out as to what you want. I agree with you on the working out part, we may not want to do it but the benefits are great. I hope with each week you right you are able to complete some of your stated goals. I look forward to reading how you made time to work out. This may help and inspire myself to do the same. Good luck and God Bless.

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